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Chinese translation for "internal gear"


Related Translations:
internal:  adj.1.内的,内部的 (opp. external)。2.国内的,内政的。3.体内的,内服的。4.内在的,本质上的,固有的。5.主观的,内心的,精神的。短语和例子internal organs 内脏。 the internal parts of the body 身体的内部。 internal resistance 【物理学】内阻力,内电阻。 internal stru
Example Sentences:
1.Solution to the longitudinal tooth curve of an internal gear
2.The application of internal gear pair with modified centre distance
3.For the first time , the internal gear is manufactured in nc machine
4.Development and test of an internal gear pump group used for high temperature , high speed and large flow
5.Geometrical design of cylindrical internal involute gear pairs ; diagrams for geometrical limits of internal gear - pinion matings
6.Geometrical design of cylindrical internal involute gear pairs ; diagrams for limits of internal gear - pinion type cutter matings
7.At the same time , an example for the manufacture of an internal gear shaver is presented through the modification of the longitudinal tooth shape of an external gear shaver
8.The construct of the parts of swing movable teeth reducer is studied , renovating design of eccentric gear , moveable teeth and internal gear is given
9.The relative speed between movable tooth and internal gear , the coordinates of points of internal gear are calculated by matlab . then a new method of calculating the gear curve of internal gear is put forward
10.One of tooth profiles of coarse - pitch gear ball hob is analyzed in engagement theory , the tooth profiles of the internal gear has been derived . by comparing the tooth profile with the tooth profile of the standard internal gear , it is shown that the tooth profile is satisfying
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